
Home Care

Falls Prevention Service

It’s understandable for people to want to continue living in their own homes for as long as possible, but homes aren’t always set up to be safe. Trailing wires, rugs, stairs and slippery surfaces can all present significant risks, leading to injuries that could result in the individual having to go to hospital or move out of their homes.

We understand that the risk of trips and falls is a source of great anxiety to many people, so we’ll do everything we can to prevent them. Our falls prevention service includes:

  • Risk assessments and plans
  • Home based exercise programmes
  • Education and training
  • Health and wellbeing advice

To find out more about our falls prevention service, contact us today.

Hourly Visiting Care

Hornets Care provide quality home support to any that desire it. Many people much prefer to continue living in their own homes when possible, around familiar surroundings, with the comfort of family and friends close by. This can be one of the most important aspects of maintaining a feeling of independence.

We are fully aware of how important living in your own home can be, and we will provide all of the necessary support we can to ensure this happens. Hourly visiting care is there to help those who wish to remain independent in their own home, but require a level of support in order to do so. Whether the client has lost confidence following a household accident, that extra support is needed after a hospital stay, or simply that a service user’s needs have increased.

Services that we provide to our clients who choose to live at home include, but are not limited to:

  • Laundry
  • Ironing
  • Cleaning services
  • Shopping
  • Personal care
  • Household chores

Respite Home care

No matter how much we love those nearest to us, caring for a family member can be incredibly physically and mentally demanding. Being a carer is a selfless commitment, but sometimes people need (and deserve) a break.

If you’re looking after a loved one, you also need to take care of yourself. Our respite home care services have been created to help you stay happy and healthy - both for you and for the one you care for.

Whether it’s covering for you while you pop to the shops for the afternoon or enabling you to visit friends and family for a few days, we can provide a much-needed lifeline. Our respite home care services are temporary arrangements which fit around your needs.

They can include:

  • Nursing care
  • Medications
  • Personal care
  • Companionship
  • Housekeeping
  • Shopping
  • Meal preparation
  • Emotional support and access to local carers’ groups

We can also help out if your regular care agency has let you down at short notice. Our entire service can be tailored to fit around the needs of you and your loved one, so don’t feel you have to do it all alone. Contact us today.

Office address: 01 ST Marys Road Watford WD18 0EE.

[email protected] | 01923-442-937

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